President - Amer Al-Mudallal OPP (202) 566-2789
Exec. VP - Diane Lynne OECA (202) 566-2786
Senior VP/Editor - Anne Pastorkovich OAR (202) 566-2787
Chief Steward - Sean Carter, OAR (202) 566-2784
- Bernie Schneider OPP (202) 305-5555
Secretary - David Alexander OECA (202) 564-2109
Vice Presidents -
Thomas Ngo OCFO (202) 564-0874
Clarence Featherson OECA (202) 564-4234
Bill Wassell OPP (703) 305-6135
Pasky Pascual ORD (703) 347-8056
Joe Edgell, OGC (202) 564-5514
E-mail for this blog:
Our fax number: (202) 566-1460
Chapter Website (historical information): (Contains a wealth of historical information about the chapter.) As of January 2013, NTEU280 switched to a blog format for the Fishbowl for ease of updating and reporting on Chapter news. Archival issues of the Fishbowl are available on the Chapter website.

FOLLOW NTEU280 ON TWITTER! Our handle is: @NTEU280

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

President Directs Executive Branch Departments and Agencies to Enhance Workplace Flexibilities and Work-Life Program; Help NTEU280 Make Sure EPA Management Delivers

On June 24, 2014, all bargaining unit employees should have received an e-mail from NTEU280 President Amer Al-Mudallal asking them to take a very brief survey about working hours.  The subject of the e-mail is “Survey to Help NTEU Preserve Flexible Working Hours.”  (If you are a BUE and have not received that survey, please contact us and we will get it to you right away!  It will take you only a couple minutes to complete!)

In recent months, we at the union have heard of EPA managers who have been acting to restrict employee work schedules, including informing employees who had previously worked past 6 p.m. that they can no longer have their longstanding work schedules.  We want to know how widespread the problem is, and how important being able to work before 6 a.m. or after 6 p.m. is to our employees.  So far, we have received a high response rate to the survey.  We would like to hear from every single employee in the bargaining unit. 

It is interesting to note that, a day earlier, on June 23, 2014, President Obama issued a memorandum to all Department and Agency heads directing them to take certain steps to expand access to workplace flexibilities, including in work schedules.  The President noted that the “Federal Government must also identify and eliminate any arbitrary or unnecessary barriers or limitations to the use of these flexibilities and develop new strategies consistent with statute and agency mission to foster a more balanced workplace.” 

We applaud the President’s directive and hope that EPA management will embrace it as far as accommodating different work schedules and expanding the availability of telework.  We at the union are acutely aware that EPA has slipped down in the Federal Viewpoint Survey results, losing ground to agencies such as US Patent & Trademark Office and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which grant employees greater flexibility in work hours and telework.  We want to ensure that EPA’s management response to the President’s direction is more helpful than, e.g., merely sending a mass mailer e-mail once a year to tell employees telework exists (whether they can get it or not).  Your union wants to see a substantive response that includes expansion of work schedule options and encouragement of telework. We applaud the President’s official recognition that work-life balance is an important part of attracting and retaining a highly talented and motivated work force.      

Now more than ever, your membership in NTEU280 matters.  Together, we can make a difference. 

If you are not yet a member of NTEU280 and wish to join us, please fill out an 1187 and get it to a chapter representative (you can get an 1187 here:  Remember, we are currently running a limited time $100 reduction in dues offer for new members (!