President - Amer Al-Mudallal OPP (202) 566-2789
Exec. VP - Diane Lynne OECA (202) 566-2786
Senior VP/Editor - Anne Pastorkovich OAR (202) 566-2787
Chief Steward - Sean Carter, OAR (202) 566-2784
- Bernie Schneider OPP (202) 305-5555
Secretary - David Alexander OECA (202) 564-2109
Vice Presidents -
Thomas Ngo OCFO (202) 564-0874
Clarence Featherson OECA (202) 564-4234
Bill Wassell OPP (703) 305-6135
Pasky Pascual ORD (703) 347-8056
Joe Edgell, OGC (202) 564-5514
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Our fax number: (202) 566-1460
Chapter Website (historical information): (Contains a wealth of historical information about the chapter.) As of January 2013, NTEU280 switched to a blog format for the Fishbowl for ease of updating and reporting on Chapter news. Archival issues of the Fishbowl are available on the Chapter website.

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

NTEU National President Calls upon House Committee to Reject Massive Cuts in EPA Funding

The following information was passed on by e-mail to all bargaining unit employees (BUEs) on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 by NTEU280 Chapter 280 President Amer Al-Mudallal. The information is posted at the NTEU National page.  NTEU280 members are reminded to visit the NTEU National page and sign up for members-only e-mail and action alerts (please remember to sign up with your home e-mail).  The NTEU280 National page is updated frequently with information and action alerts, and has many useful members-only features.  Be the first to learn of news that affects you!       

"The head of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) called on members of the House Appropriations Committee to reject sharp cuts in the fiscal 2014 budget of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed by the Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and the Environment.

In a letter, NTEU President Colleen M. Kelley said the subcommittee’s budget for EPA in the coming fiscal year would not only be 34 percent below the fiscal 2013 level, it would be equivalent to funding levels in the 1980s.

“Reducing EPA’s budget by this magnitude,” Kelley said, “will have a devastating effect on the services EPA provides to the nation.” The agency would be required to absorb $2.8 billion in cuts from current year funding.

She added: “Employees at the EPA work on daily basis to help ensure that all Americans are protected from significant risks to human health and the environment where they live and work.” EPA laboratories, she wrote, perform essentially work assessing environmental conditions, and identifying, understanding and solving current and future environmental problems.

The NTEU leader called this work, along with integrating the work of scientific partners such as nations, private sector organizations, the academic world and other agencies “critical to achieving EPA’s mission of environmental protection.”

Kelley urged the full committee to reject the subcommittee proposal and ensure that EPA’s personnel levels are sufficient to protect the country’s health and environment.

NTEU is the largest independent federal union, representing 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments."

Also, here are some links to recent articles of interest to members: