President - Amer Al-Mudallal OPP (202) 566-2789
Exec. VP - Diane Lynne OECA (202) 566-2786
Senior VP/Editor - Anne Pastorkovich OAR (202) 566-2787
Chief Steward - Sean Carter, OAR (202) 566-2784
- Bernie Schneider OPP (202) 305-5555
Secretary - David Alexander OECA (202) 564-2109
Vice Presidents -
Thomas Ngo OCFO (202) 564-0874
Clarence Featherson OECA (202) 564-4234
Bill Wassell OPP (703) 305-6135
Pasky Pascual ORD (703) 347-8056
Joe Edgell, OGC (202) 564-5514
E-mail for this blog:
Our fax number: (202) 566-1460
Chapter Website (historical information): (Contains a wealth of historical information about the chapter.) As of January 2013, NTEU280 switched to a blog format for the Fishbowl for ease of updating and reporting on Chapter news. Archival issues of the Fishbowl are available on the Chapter website.

FOLLOW NTEU280 ON TWITTER! Our handle is: @NTEU280

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Update on Bicycling at EPA HQ

Back in June, we had reported upon issues and concerns NTEU280 had raised with regard to the inadequacy of bike facilities at Federal Triangle.  The urgency came about because of the rapid consolidation of EPA's L Street employees into Federal Triangle.  (About 20% of L Street employees bicycled in at least some of the time, which is an extremely high bicycling participation rate.)   

Many months have passed, and we are happy to report that we have made progress on bicycling facilities issues.  While still at EPA, former Deputy Administrator Bob Perciasepe took a personal interest in bicycle commuters and in facilitating a cooperative approach.  There is now an EPA Bicycle Facilities Workgroup, which includes members representing the bicycling community (HQ bicycling coordinators in Federal Triangle and Potomac Yard), employee unions (NTEU280, AFGE3331), and facilities management (SHEMD, LER).  Working together, we have identified many needs and goals, both short and long term, and we have already begun to make visible progress towards developing safe, clean, attractive, and necessary facilities for bicycle commuters.  For example, employees may have noticed the courtyard racks that were installed in the Fall.  Facilities, working with GSA, was able to refurbish, re-paint and re-use existing racks, meeting a need for additional covered and secure bike parking - and saving funds at the same time. 

NTEU280 is encouraged and enthused to work cooperatively to improve existing bike facilities and to plan for the development of future bike facilities at EPA HQ buildings.