President - Amer Al-Mudallal OPP (202) 566-2789
Exec. VP - Diane Lynne OECA (202) 566-2786
Senior VP/Editor - Anne Pastorkovich OAR (202) 566-2787
Chief Steward - Sean Carter, OAR (202) 566-2784
- Bernie Schneider OPP (202) 305-5555
Secretary - David Alexander OECA (202) 564-2109
Vice Presidents -
Thomas Ngo OCFO (202) 564-0874
Clarence Featherson OECA (202) 564-4234
Bill Wassell OPP (703) 305-6135
Pasky Pascual ORD (703) 347-8056
Joe Edgell, OGC (202) 564-5514
E-mail for this blog:
Our fax number: (202) 566-1460
Chapter Website (historical information): (Contains a wealth of historical information about the chapter.) As of January 2013, NTEU280 switched to a blog format for the Fishbowl for ease of updating and reporting on Chapter news. Archival issues of the Fishbowl are available on the Chapter website.

FOLLOW NTEU280 ON TWITTER! Our handle is: @NTEU280

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

One More Reminder About the NTEU280 Membership Meeting - Tomorrow December 3, 2014!

We will be holding our annual general membership meeting on Wednesday December 3rd, 2014 at 11:30am-12:30pm at NTEU 280 Office, 3376  East. 
The meeting agenda will be:

1-    Welcome and introductions

2-    Membership report

3-    Financial report

4-    Update on the CBA negotiations

5-    Committees
Food and beverages will be provided.  Please plan to attend this important meeting. 



Thursday, October 16, 2014

Flu Shots are Available

Please be aware that EPA health units are prepared to administer flu shots to employees.  The hours are: 

Potomac Yard – 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 1:00–3:30 p.m.

Ronald Reagan Building –   08:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Did You Know...? (Helpful Hint)

That you can check to see what jobs are open at EPA on the Agency website?  See  You can even subscribe to receive updates as jobs are posted! 

Monday, August 25, 2014

5th Annual People's Conference on Fluoride

The 5th Annual People's Conference on Fluoride, which will be held at the Crystal City Hyatt Regency Hotel, 2799 Jefferson Davis Highway, on Sept. 5 - 8. Information about the conference and a detailed agenda are available at

Recent research on developmental neurotoxicity will be featured in the science portion of the Conference. Professor Quangyong Xiang from Fudan University (formerly Shanghai Medical University) will present his research findings that showed a decrement in children's IQ as a function of fluoride exposure. 

Dr. William Hirzy, former Senior Scientist in the Risk Assessment Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxic Substances, will discuss a risk assessment for developmental neurotoxicity based on the work of Professor Xiang and other research groups that was published by Choi et al. in Environmental Health Perspectives in 2012.  (Dr. Hirzy, a long time member of NTEU280, held various elected offices with our chapter during his career.)

There will also be a law panel which will discuss the legal implications in the United States and Canada for tort and regulatory actions that flow from recent research findings, including the 2006 National Research Council Report on Fluoride Toxicity.
For more information, members may contact Dr. William Hirzy

Monday, August 4, 2014

In Memory of our EPA Colleague, Adrian W. Burns

It is great sadness that we report that our EPA colleague, Adrian W. Burns, passed away on Sunday, July 27, 2014. 
Adrian was a widely respected Chemist at the OPP/BEAD/ Analytical Chemistry Branch (ACB) Laboratory and a longtime member of NTEU280.  Adrian began his government career at the USDA and came into the EPA at the agency’s inception in 1970.  He spent his career in OPP analyzing pesticides for product chemistry. 
Adrian was very active in both AOAC International and CIPAC (Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council).  Adrian served multiple terms as the AOAC International Chair of Committee A: Pesticide and Disinfectant Formulations and also multiple terms as a member of the AOAC Official Methods Board. Adrian also served on the Board for the AOAC Research Institute. His awards included, Committee Chair of the Year, and the AOAC Fellow Award and he also served as the US representative to CIPAC. 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

President Directs Executive Branch Departments and Agencies to Enhance Workplace Flexibilities and Work-Life Program; Help NTEU280 Make Sure EPA Management Delivers

On June 24, 2014, all bargaining unit employees should have received an e-mail from NTEU280 President Amer Al-Mudallal asking them to take a very brief survey about working hours.  The subject of the e-mail is “Survey to Help NTEU Preserve Flexible Working Hours.”  (If you are a BUE and have not received that survey, please contact us and we will get it to you right away!  It will take you only a couple minutes to complete!)

In recent months, we at the union have heard of EPA managers who have been acting to restrict employee work schedules, including informing employees who had previously worked past 6 p.m. that they can no longer have their longstanding work schedules.  We want to know how widespread the problem is, and how important being able to work before 6 a.m. or after 6 p.m. is to our employees.  So far, we have received a high response rate to the survey.  We would like to hear from every single employee in the bargaining unit. 

It is interesting to note that, a day earlier, on June 23, 2014, President Obama issued a memorandum to all Department and Agency heads directing them to take certain steps to expand access to workplace flexibilities, including in work schedules.  The President noted that the “Federal Government must also identify and eliminate any arbitrary or unnecessary barriers or limitations to the use of these flexibilities and develop new strategies consistent with statute and agency mission to foster a more balanced workplace.” 

We applaud the President’s directive and hope that EPA management will embrace it as far as accommodating different work schedules and expanding the availability of telework.  We at the union are acutely aware that EPA has slipped down in the Federal Viewpoint Survey results, losing ground to agencies such as US Patent & Trademark Office and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which grant employees greater flexibility in work hours and telework.  We want to ensure that EPA’s management response to the President’s direction is more helpful than, e.g., merely sending a mass mailer e-mail once a year to tell employees telework exists (whether they can get it or not).  Your union wants to see a substantive response that includes expansion of work schedule options and encouragement of telework. We applaud the President’s official recognition that work-life balance is an important part of attracting and retaining a highly talented and motivated work force.      

Now more than ever, your membership in NTEU280 matters.  Together, we can make a difference. 

If you are not yet a member of NTEU280 and wish to join us, please fill out an 1187 and get it to a chapter representative (you can get an 1187 here:  Remember, we are currently running a limited time $100 reduction in dues offer for new members (!

Monday, June 16, 2014

NTEU280 Fishbowl is now on Twitter.

Members:  NTEU 280's "Inside the Fishbowl" newsletter is now on Twitter. 

Follow us: @nteu280

When we publish new Fishbowl articles or announcements we will tweet them. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

2014 Summer Membership Drive

Get a Rebate on Your Dues!

2014 Summer Membership Drive

Receive $50

for each new member you recruit from June 1 to September 30

New members receive $100

for joining during June, July, August, and September!

Fill out a SF-1187 with the new member’s information, have the new member sign the form, and staple a note to the form with your name and address. Once her or his eligibility is confirmed, each of you will receive your rebate check by mail.

Thank you for supporting NTEU.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

NTEU280 Advocates for Bike Facilities at Federal Triangle

One of the unfortunate effects of the upcoming consolidation moves at Federal Triangle is the loss of EPA’s excellent bike commuting facility at 1310 L Street.  At L Street, we estimate that approximately 20% of the employees, who work for the Office of Air and Radiation (OAR), are bike commuting at least some of the time.  Part of the reason for the high number of bike commuters at L Street is undoubtedly the attractiveness and convenience of the facility there – it is safe, it is clean, and it is well-designed specifically to meet the needs of cyclists.  This July, the lease is up and OAR will leave L Street - and its desirable bike room - behind.  OAR employees will be absorbed into the Federal Triangle complex and into the existing bike facilities, which are already crowded.  The only attractive bike facility at Federal Triangle is in the Reagan Building, and it is at capacity, with a waiting list for lockers.   

On May 14, 2014, the article “EPA Will Close Its Best Bike Room” by Jim Titus, appeared on the Greater Greater Washington blog.  [ ] We highly recommend that article, which includes photographs of the L Street bike room.  The blog entry was widely shared, “tweeted” and circulated throughout the bike advocacy community, generating many helpful comments including one by “Sweaty Cyclist” who remarked on the original blog post on May 27, 2014: “Sounds like you need a union!” 

In fact, your union has heard the concerns of our bike commuters loud and clear.  NTEU280 has been working hard to get EPA management to fully grasp the advantages of providing all EPA employees access to safe, clean, and attractive bike facilities.  We understand that we could lose many bike commuters if the L Street facility is not adequately replicated or replaced at Federal Triangle.  We continue to reach out to management to get them to understand the same concerns that the union is hearing from employees.  We continue to seek solutions that will encourage bike commuting. 

To this end, NTEU280 has submitted various move-related demands to management to ensure that Federal Triangle is able to absorb 148 new cyclists without any adverse impact upon those already at Federal Triangle and using the facilities.  EPA bike coordinators at Federal Triangle and at L Street have identified the extent of existing bike facilities and have outlined the needs and challenges.  NTEU280 will continue our efforts to get management to understand employee concerns and respond appropriately.  Thus far, management has only offered an inadequate number of racks and lockers in response to our demands, and they have offered no new shower or other facilities.  We hope to change their minds through our continued efforts on behalf of employees who bike to work. 

Each and every employee who rides a bike to work potentially removes a car from the road.  There is typically a cost savings associated with bicycling – e.g., gas, parking, and other transit expenses.  Bike commuting reduces emissions and promotes employee wellness.  It is a win-win.    
EPA has preached a message of bike commuting and sustainability to others; it is time for our management to practice what they preach at our own headquarters!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Summary of Legislative Conference and Annual Training Conference

NTEU Legislative Conference and Annual Training

NTEU Legislative Conference (February 26-28, 2014)

NTEU held its Legislative Conference from February 26-28, 2014.  NTEU280's elected officers actively participated in this great opportunity to discuss Federal employee concerns with members of Congress and their staffs.  Among the issues discussed:

- ending sequestration
- ensuring adequate agency funding
- protecting our health benefits

- protecting our retirement benefits
- eliminating unnecessary contracting out; and
- limiting the reimbursement cap for individual contractors to the level of the Vice President of the United States' salary

President Colleen Kelley noted in her remarks to attendees that after years with no pay raises and increased out of pocket costs that "Federal workers are in danger of slipping from the middle class.  Many attendees expressed the concern that reductions in the value of pay and benefits are making it difficult to attract and keep new employees.

NTEU had a lunch time rally in front of the Capitol.  Despite cold and wind, it was very well attended, including by our Chapter.  Several members of Congress came out to speak to the crowd.

Participation in the legislative conference is an important activity for our Chapter.  In addition to getting the word out about our concerns to National decision-makers, we are able to network with officers from other NTEU chapters and learn about and strategize over common issues facing our members.

NTEU Training Conference (March 18-20, 2014)

NTEU held its training conference in Arlington, VA.  Twenty-six chapters were in attendance.

Chapter officers and stewards assembled, including your NTEU280 officers and several stewards.  In the opening plenary session, we watched an updated version of the video "Federal Employees - They Work for U.S." that included an interview with our own NTEU280 President, Amer Al-Mudallal.  National President Colleen Kelley explained that we are seeking a 3.3% pay raise but that even 1% is opposed by some.  She also mentioned that attacks on our federal employee health benefits continue.  The issue of contractor pay caps and wasteful contract consultants was also discussed.  NTEU's work on behalf of Federal employees continues!  NTEU280 was recognized as one of the chapters that has experienced significant growth in the President's remarks.

All elected officers and stewards have been encouraged to attend this training as their schedules permit.  Several attended, but we should have the goal of 100% attendance next year.  The training is designed in tracks to best serve participants in their Chapter roles. The track are seminar (typically for chapter presidents and similar senior officers), leadership (for officers and stewards who have completed their stewardship training), and stewardship (for new stewards or those seeking a refresher).

The annual training is highly valuable.  One item we look forward to every year is an update on cases.  In addition, grievance exercises are presented in a way that assists attendees to form groups and brainstorm, which will assist them in strategizing how to help members when they return to their own chapters.

Monday, February 10, 2014

What's Coming Up; Why This is a Great Time to Join NTEU280

What's Coming Up

  • NTEU Legislative Conference - February 26-28, 2014

NTEU280 will participate in NTEU's 2014 Legislative Conference later this month.  Last year's conference was extensively covered by the press, as it was the first year sequestration cuts and the (later realized) threat of furloughs loomed for Federal employees.  A common theme at the 2013 conference was not only the effect of sequestration and furloughs upon Federal employees, but the effect upon other citizens who rely upon us, as well as the ripple effects throughout our communities.  For information on last year's conference, please see the NTEU National page at  Our officers look forward to representing our members at the 2014 conference. 

  • NTEU Training - for officers and stewards - offered locally in Rosslyn, VA - March 18-20, 2014

NTEU280 officers and stewards are invited to participate in the NTEU Training.  There are four tracks offered:  stewardship, representation, leadership, and a seminar (N.B. - seminar has limited participation and is typically for chapter presidents).  If you are an NTEU280 officer or steward interested in attending the training, please contact Sean Carter, Chief Steward, NTEU280, for information about how to participate.  If this is your first time attending the training, we recommend signing up for the stewardship track as it contains an excellent overview. If you have previously attended training, you would want to consider attending the representation track. 

Why This is A Great Time to Invite a Colleague to Join

We are engaged in a friendly competition with other NTEU chapters to ask at least 100 non-members to join. We want to be the ones to ask the most non-members to join, so our goal is to ask at least 100 and we can ask more than that with our members' help.  To help make the conversation easier, we are offering a membership incentive that runs through March 11, 2014.  Here is how it works:  current NTEU280 members who recruit a new NTEU280 member will receive $50 as soon as the member's paperwork is processed.  The new member will receive $100 as soon as the membership paperwork (i.e., 1187 form)  is processed.  The top recruiter who has sole credit for signing up a minimum of ten new members will receive an additional $250 from the Chapter, as well as bragging rights for having signed up the most new members.  For more information about the membership incentive, contact Amer Al-Mudallal, President, NTEU280.

For helpful information about the benefits of joining NTEU in general, see this link to membership information at National's Page:

Friday, January 3, 2014

How to Follow NTEU National; NTEU280

For NTEU National---
Web page:
"Like" NTEU on Facebook:
Follow NTEU on Twitter:

Reminder:  Members may sign up for e-mail alerts and other members-only features on the NTEU National web page.  Visit the "members only" area for more information.  Please provide your personal (not work) e-mail address.

As far as our chapter's presence, NTEU280 is currently using this blog as our up-to-date web presence.  Our new web page will be up and running within a month, and will incorporate blog features.  We will also begin the process of uploading information from our old web page regarding the history of the chapter and other archival documents. 

First and foremost, we are interested in providing information that our members can easily access and use.  If you have suggestions as to what you would like to see, please contact us at  We are here to serve you. 


1% Pay Raise for 2014

Federal employees will receive a 1% increase in 2014. 

For three years, Federal salaries have been frozen.  NTEU has tirelessly argued for an end to that freeze.  On December 23, 2013, the White House issued an Executive Order regarding the 1% increase.  NTEU focused on ensuring it would not be blocked.    

The 2014 pay tables reflecting the increase are located at:

NTEU fought hard to get this increase, which will be effective for the first pay period in 2014.  Efforts will now focus on securing what NTEU National has referred to as a more "robust" increase in 2015.